How omnichannel CDPs drive efficiency, revenue, and ROI

However, even with data silos eliminated, many marketers still found themselves struggling to operate evergrowing martech stacks now consisting of a CDP plus a bunch of different point solutions — email platforms, website personalization tools, SMS solutions, and so on. 

Traditional CDPs couldn’t overcome this problem, as they were built to unify data, segment it, and pass it on to downstream platforms for activation. That’s why a new type of CDP emerged over the last few years. 

They’re sometimes called omnichannel CDPs, actionable CDPs, or campaign CDPs. Regardless of the specific name, these new CDPs combine the data unification, segmentation, and analytics capabilities with tools for activating your data across different channels.

In this guide, you’ll learn how these omnichannel CDPs work and why they’re beneficial to digital marketing teams. 

We’ll also cover three examples of companies that used Insider — our AI-native platform for individualized, cross-channel customer experiences — to unify and activate their customer data, driving revenue, efficiency, and ROI.

The benefits of using an omnichannel CDP

Like all other CDPs, omnichannel CDPs let you unify information from different data sources into a single convenient database. 

Besides overcoming data silos and simplifying data management, this process gives you detailed 360-degree customer views to power your campaigns with reliable insights.

However, the difference between traditional CDPs and omnichannel ones lies in what happens after your data has been unified and segmented. 

Traditional data and analytics CDPs usually pass their data to downstream platforms for activation. Conversely, omnichannel CDPs come with built-in tools and channels for activating your data.

As a result, you can build, manage, and analyze marketing campaigns with the same platform that unifies your data. This leads to three key benefits for marketing teams, especially in large organizations:

  1. Faster campaign creation and optimization.
  2. Easier martech management.
  3. Better return on investment (ROI) and lower total cost of ownership (TCO).

#1 Faster campaign creation and optimization

A fragmented martech stack makes running omnichannel much more time-consuming than it needs to be. From jumping between different tools for each channel to using various analytics dashboards to track results, the process involves constant context switching and tons of unnecessary steps.

Omnichannel CDPs streamline this whole workflow by giving you access to channel-specific tools, automation capabilities, and analytics dashboards from the same platform. 

For example, you can use Insider to both unify your data and reach customers on 12+ channels, including your website, mobile app, email, push notifications, SMS, and more.

This easy access to channels-specific tools (and our versatile templates) helps our clients set up and run campaigns much faster than before. One of our retail clients achieved an 80% reduction in campaign launch times, as we’ll discuss later.

Here are a few examples of how you can use our platform to activate your data across different channels and campaigns:

  • Website personalization: You can deliver personalized banners, pop-ups, categories, site search results, and product recommendations to people visiting your site. For example, Hunkemöller used a combination of onsite personalization features to increase conversion rates by 20% for their desktop site and 13% for their mobile site.
  • Emails marketing: You can extend the personalized product recommendations across your email marketing campaigns to ensure a consistent product discovery experience. You can also easily add other personalized elements like customers’ names, milestones, cart items, and much more. For example, All Nutrition used Insider’s email automation and personalization features to achieve an opt-in rate of 21% and a 1.7x higher conversion rates compared to their website average. 
  • Messaging channel personalization: SMS, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and LINE offer lots of opportunities to engage your audiences and drive revenue with personalized product promotions, event reminders, price drop alerts, and more. For example, Picniq uses WhatsApp to nurture long-term customer relationships and recover lost revenue from browser abandoners, resulting in a 5x ROI and an 80% open rate on WhatsApp.

Our platform also lets you build personalized campaigns across all these marketing channels using Architect — an AI-powered customer journey builder and marketing automation solution

Orchestrating these personalized omnichannel campaigns is made simple with a drag-and-drop editor that lets you choose channels, wait times, conditions, automation triggers, and much more.

Again, this drastically simplifies campaign creation because you don’t need to jump between different point solutions. Instead, you can deliver a truly personalized omnichannel customer experience using one unified marketing platform (that also holds your unified customer data).  

The same goes for campaign analytics. Our platform offers many analytics tools that help you understand how your campaigns are performing and which channels are driving the most conversions and revenue.

For example, you can get an overview of specific campaigns or dive deeper into metrics like open rates, click-through rates (CTR), and conversion rates for each channel individually (email, push notifications, SMS, and so on).

Put simply, an omnichannel CDP like Insider covers a plethora of marketing use cases, ranging from data unification to personalization, automation, and analytics. For more examples, you visit our website to explore other use cases for our Actionable CDP.

#2 Easier martech management

Martech bloat brings a whole set of challenges for enterprise marketing teams. 

First, you need to set up different solutions and integrate them to share data and work together. By itself, this usually costs companies a lot of time and engineering resources.

Then, there’s the issue of management. Using five or six different solutions daily can get overwhelming, as each one has its own UI, credentials, and learning curve. This leads to a lot of context switching, which can be detrimental to productivity.

Omnichannel CDPs present an opportunity to drastically simplify your workflows by consolidating your martech stack. 

For example, many brands start using our CDP and one or two channels, like email and push notifications. Over time, they see the value of working with an omnichannel CDP, so they start expanding their usage of our platform to other channels.

If you’re interested in a real-life example, check out our case study with fashion brand NA-KD. The brand’s marketing team used Insider to consolidate customer data, gradually transform its marketing strategy, and create personalized experiences across their website, mobile app, push notifications, email, and SMS communications.

This helped them achieve a 72x ROI in one year and a 25% uplift in customer lifetime value (CLTV).

Finally, working with the right service provider also helps you avoid the implementation headache. At Insider, we achieve that by providing best-in-class customer support during the implementation, alongside flexible integrations and a step-by-step process that’s aligned with your business goals.

#3 Better return on investment and lower total cost of ownership

When working with a bunch of different point solutions, teams have to deal with separate vendors, pricing plans, and renewal periods. Naturally, this drives costs up and makes tracking your spending very cumbersome.

That’s why another big benefit of using an omnichannel CDP is the ability to improve the cost-efficiency of your martech stack as a whole.

Consolidating your martech stack resolves these issues, as you don’t need to keep track of multiple pricing plans and negotiate with different vendors. You can also reduce your TCO further by bringing more channels under one umbrella and creating more cost-effective pricing plans with your vendor.

Your marketing ROI also benefits from this, since you’re not wasting any resources and have the ability to build and optimize personalized, data-driven campaigns quickly. For example, we’ve seen many brands achieve a great ROI with Insider, including:

Again, this all thanks to working with an experienced support team during the implementation, having intuitive personalization and automation tools, and templates for all channels in one platform.

3 Real-life use cases for our omnichannel CDP

Now that you know how an omnichannel CDP works, we’ll discuss three case studies of brands that used our CDP to unify their data and activate it across their websites, emails, messaging channel communications, and other touchpoints.

VogaCloset: Unlocking new channels and personalization capabilities

VogaCloset is one of Europe’s leading fashion eCommerce sites, offering an extensive range of clothing, accessories, and beauty products. In order to deliver the best possible experience to their customers, the brand faced the serious challenge of unifying its user data into a single source.

Insider was the right platform for this task. Our eCommerce CDP facilitated the smooth integration of data and provided a detailed view of each customer’s behaviors, needs, and preferences.

VogaCloset could then start tackling its main task — improving user engagement and retention. To do that, the brand’s marketing team used the newly unified data to launch highly personalized campaigns that seamlessly spanned multiple channels.

For example, our platform enabled VogaCloset to start using WhatsApp in their marketing strategy. With our AI-powered customer journey builder, they set up strategic automations that delivered personalized product recommendations and price-drop alerts.

Overall, VogaCloset was able to fully migrate and launch campaigns with our platform in just eight weeks, as well as drive over 30x ROI. For more details on the brand’s challenges and approach, check out the complete case study on our website

Spotlight Retail Group: Speeding up campaign creation and driving massive ROI

Spotlight Retail Group (SRG) is a multinational corporation with chains across multiple retail categories.

The brand’s international presence made providing personalized experiences for its diverse customers difficult. The marketing team was struggling to differentiate between their brands, products, and target countries, which naturally led to lower customer engagement.

They also couldn’t get campaigns up and running quickly as their process from ideation to launch took around 30 days. This made it very difficult to adjust to changes and new trends in the market in real-time.

Since Insider offers the quickest time-to-value on the market, our CDP was an ideal fit for SRG’s needs. The CDP’s intuitive UI helped their teams slash the time it took to build, manage, and launch personalization campaigns. 

Plus, our real-time data and analytics functionalities enabled SRG to quickly adapt and edit campaigns to reflect customer behaviors and trends in the market. It also alleviated their reliance on technical teams, which was a massive bottleneck. The result was a massive 80% reduction in campaign launch times.

SRG’s team also used Insider’s Web Suite and AI-powered Smart Recommender tool for onsite personalization.


Thanks to our platform’s predictive engine, SRG was able to track and analyze customer interactions, discount affinity, conversion potential, purchasing patterns, lifecycle stage, and more. Based on these insights, they started sending targeted web push notifications to users that contained data-driven product recommendations.

The result was a 37x ROI for every dollar invested in this conversion rate optimization program. For a deeper dive, check out the full case study on our website.

Generali: Driving more leads and reducing sales cycle length

Generali is one of the largest insurance and asset management providers in the world, serving 68 million customers in over 50 countries. 

The brand’s marketing team faced a difficult challenge — lead generation was lagging due to a poor onsite experience that led to high bounce rates. This was a big issue as the main task of the marketing team was to collect leads and pass them on to the sales team.

Our team suggested that Generali integrate its CRM with our enterprise CDP to start collecting data on visitors’ online behaviors in a single platform. 

This created an opportunity for Generally to target visitors who were about to leave the site with strategic Exit Intent Overlays. It also enabled their team to use customized banner campaigns promoting each customer’s viewed products and services.

These changes helped Generali achieve a 3x increase in leads.

From here, the marketing team could move on to the next challenge — building a lead validation process that would help the sales team focus on potential customers with high intent.

Our local support team worked with Generali to build this process. Now, each lead is evaluated based on their behavior on the website in order to give the sales team a good understanding of their intent.

Depending on the lead score, Generali uses our journey builder to segment leads and send them targeted promotions across SMS, email, and web push. The data is also sent back to Generali’s CRM where the sales team can see each lead’s personal information and score.

This new validation process saves the sales team a ton of time and effort, resulting in a 20% reduction in sales cycle length. If you want to learn more about Generali’s use case, check out the complete case study.

Unify your data and personalize the entire customer experience with Insider

Insider’s Actionable CDP can help you overcome data silos, segment your target audiences, and activate your data across 12+ channels. Our enterprise marketing platform is an ideal choice if you’re looking to:

  • Unify customer data from any online or offline source — including CRMs, CMSs, APIs, POS devices, analytics software, and more — and get accurate, 360-degree customer profiles.
  • Simplify data management and comply with key data protection regulations, like the GDPR and CCPA.
  • See a meaningful ROI as fast as possible thanks to a combination of ease of use, proven templates, and an experienced support team ensure you can aggregate your data and use it to drive conversions, revenue, and retention as quickly as possible.
  • Overcome data silos, simplify your martech stack, and save resources. Insider’s activation channels enable you to unify your marketing stack into a single, enterprise-grade platform, so you don’t have to juggle multiple tools with different credentials, UIs, and pricing plans.
  • Personalize every touchpoint in your customers’ journeys. Insider’s advanced personalization suite enables you to tailor content, messaging, and product recommendations across your website and mobile app, as well as channels like email, push notifications, SMS, WhatsApp, social media and search ads, and more.
  • Tap into the full potential of AI using a unique combination of predictive, generative, and conversational capabilities. You can rely on our platform to predict customer behaviors, generate customer segments, copy, and images, have two-way conversations with customers across chatbots and WhatsApp, select optimal channels and send times, and much more.

Click here to book a demo with our team and learn how Insider can help you unify and activate your customer data.

Katie Morley - Global Content Director

Katie is an award-winning content marketer with over eight years of experience in content strategy, development, and copywriting. As Global Content Director at Insider, she currently oversees content strategy across 26 regions. Fun fact: Katie read 64 books last year (for which she owes a long commute and two week-long holidays where she spent approximately six hours a day with her nose in a book).

Read more from Katie Morley

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