The best customer data platform (CDP) for insurance companies

#1 Unify, segment, and analyze customer data

Our enterprise CDP is built to unify customer data from any source — including customer relationship management systems (CRMs), content management systems (CMSs), analytics tools, point of sales (PoS) devices, APIs, customer service software, legacy systems, and much more.

This enables it to resolve omnichannel identities and create accurate 360-degree customer views, like the one shown below. 

As you can see, these profiles contain crucial information, like:

  • Names, demographics, and contact info.
  • Predictive characteristics, like likelihood to purchase or engage.
  • Behavioral data, like interactions with your website or messaging channels.
  • Last purchased, visited, and abandoned products.
  • Survey responses and other first-party data.

These profiles get updated in real-time as customers interact with your website, mobile app, emails, and other brand touchpoints (e.g., your company’s physical offices). Put simply, our CDP gives you all relevant information in one convenient place, so you can use it to analyze the customer journey and make data-driven decisions.

You even get profiles for anonymous visitors browsing your site. This is an extremely powerful capability as you can combine it with website personalization and web push notifications to engage anonymous visitors with tailored offers.

For example, our platform tracks which pages website visitors are browsing. You can use this information to trigger personalized a web push notification that prompts them to complete a form or schedule a visit to their nearest office to learn more about the insurance products they’ve shown interest in.

Our platform also makes it easy to segment your audiences using 120+ traits, characteristics, and behaviors. 

These include standard characteristics (e.g., users’ locations, demographics, or technologies), interactions (e.g., visits to specific pages, interactions with your emails, or mobile app installations), and even predicted behaviors (e.g., likelihood to purchase or engage on a channel).

In short, Insider’s segmentation, alongside our platform’s behavioral analytics capabilities, ensures you can target customers effectively with personalized messages across channels.

#2 Get access to 12+ channels from one place

Most CDPs focus on use cases around unifying data, resolving omnichannel identities, and segmenting audiences. From here, the marketing team has to pass that data to downstream platforms (via pre-built integrations or APIs), so it can be used to power personalized marketing campaigns.

However, this creates a problem, as insurance marketers must constantly navigate between different solutions, each with its own UI, credentials, and learning curve. The result is usually an expensive, overcomplicated martech stack that’s difficult to set up and maintain.

Insider, on the other hand, is an Actionable CDP that brings together 12+ data activations channels, advanced personalization capabilities, and a marketing automation solution.

That’s why Insider is also among the leaders in various categories based on reviews from customers and industry experts, including:

This means our platform lets you reach customers and personalize their experience across:

  • Your website and mobile app.
  • Email.
  • SMS.
  • WhatsApp.
  • Push notifications.
  • Online ads (e.g., on Google, Facebook, and TikTok).
  • And more.

You can start by using just one or more of these channels and expand to other ones over time. We’ve had many customers who started by just unifying their data, activating across one or two channels, and then gradually adopting other ones to consolidate their martech stack and reduce their total cost of ownership (TCO).

Additionally, Insider lets you tailor the customer experience across these touchpoints with relevant messages. For example, you can use our platform to personalize your:

  • Website and mobile app, including the content, messaging, banners, product recommendations, and site search results. This ensures you’re making the most out of your marketing budget by maximizing conversion rates and revenue from your site. For example, New Balance used our personalized banners and overlays to achieve a massive 556% increase in conversion rates.
  • Email marketing campaigns by including all sorts of personalized elements, like customers’ names, anniversaries (or other milestones), upcoming renewal dates, and more. You can even use AMP emails to let users browse insurance products, make appointments, and complete surveys without leaving the emails, which reduces friction and improves conversion rates.
  • Messaging channel communications across SMS, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and LINE. These channels can be incredibly useful for reminding customers about upcoming renewals, promoting new products, prompting them to book an appointment, and much more. For example, Picniq used our WhatsApp marketing capabilities to remind customers about upcoming events and prompt them to complete their purchases, resulting in a 5x ROI.
  • Online ads across Google, Facebook, and TikTok. You can use the segments you’ve created to target the right audiences with personalized ads, based on what they’ve shown interest in and their predictive characteristics. For example, flydeal used our predictive audiences to target customers with a high likelihood of purchasing, resulting in an 80% uplift in return on ad spend (ROAS).

#3 Leverage the full potential of marketing automation and AI

With Insider, you can tie all channels into a cohesive experience for your customers using our customer journey builder and marketing automation solution (Architect). 

This tool lets you create anything from simple automated flows to complex omnichannel marketing automations using a drag-and-drop editor. 

You set the channels and rules (e.g., wait times, conditions, and so on) for each journey. You can also orchestrate A/B tests for messages and journey flows to see which ones perform better based on the metrics that matter for your business.

Most importantly, these journeys are powered by your unified data, so they’re always relevant to your customers, based on their needs, preferences, and interests in specific insurance products.

Building these journeys is made even easier by Insider’s AI and machine learning features, some of which include:

  • Next-Best Channel Selection, which analyzes customers’ behaviors and automatically sends messages on the touchpoint they’re most likely to engage on.
  • Send-Time Optimization (STO), which also analyzes customer behavior and predicts the most optimal times to trigger each message. 
  • A/B Test Winner Auto-Selection, which automatically guides users to the winning path in an A/B test, based on a metric and period you selected beforehand. This removes some of the most time-consuming tasks in A/B testing — checking the results and adjusting your journeys based on them.
  • Generative AI for journey creation, which builds entire customer journeys (or autocomplete journey paths) based on your text prompts. You just need to provide an end goal, like generating more survey responses or preventing churn. 
  • Generative AI for copy and image generation, which quickly creates copy and images for your campaigns. Again, all you have to do is provide the end goal and our platform’s generative AI will do the rest.

If you’re interested in this topic, check out our guide to the best AI personalization tools.

#4 Work with a best-in-class customer support team

Setting up a CDP can be a massively time-consuming task for both digital marketing and technical teams. Between identifying and integrating data sources, teams often spend months before integrating their customer data.

To overcome this issue, we’ve invested a lot of time and effort into building the best customer support teams around the world. Our experts are all trained in-house to help you speed up the setup process and see value from our platform as fast as possible. 

That’s why customers consistently rank Insider as the best CDP in terms of ease of setup, ease of use, and quality of support.

You can rely on our teams to:

  • Help you set up Insider with no extra setup charge. 
  • Shows you how the platform works based on your needs, with a focus on the specific tools you’ll need to achieve your business goals. 
  • Migrate customer journeys and other automated flows from other tools to Insider for you.
  • Answer questions and resolve issues quickly, regardless of your location. We’re a global company with 26 offices on six continents, which lets our teams provide fast support to businesses all over the world. 

Finally, we’ve also built an Integration Hub with 100+ connectors for tools across 20+ categories. You can use these connectors to seamlessly plug Insider into your existing data sources, tech ecosystem, and workflows.

For example, we offer connectors for:

  • CRMs like Salesforce, Pipedrive, Zoho, and Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
  • Email marketing platforms like Mailchimp, ActiveCampaign, and Constant Contact.
  • Analytics and attribution platforms like Mixpanel, Amplitude, and AppsFlyer.
  • Marketing automation tools like Pardot, Keap, and Marketo.
  • Other CDPs like Segment, mParticle, and Tealium.
  • Live chat software like Drift and Intercom.

How 3 insurance and financial services companies used Insider to achieve business goals

As a global, enterprise solution provider, we’ve worked with 1200+ companies in different industries, including insurance and financial services. 

Below, we’ll quickly discuss three case studies in which leading brands in these sectors used Insider to unify their data, improve customer engagement, and drive key business results.

  1. Generali: This global insurance and asset management company integrated Insider’s CDP with its CRM to start collecting data on visitors’ interactions across channels. This enabled them to roll out personalized banner campaigns, which resulted in a 3x increase in leads. It also helped them create an omnichannel lead validation journey across SMS, email, and web push, leading to a 20% reduction in sales cycle length.
  1. Etiqa Insurance: This well-known Singaporean insurance brand used Insider to personalize their homepage banners, based on users’ previous behaviors and browsing history, which pushed conversion rates upwards of 4.74% (against an average of 2.17%). They also used site coupons to boost engagement even more and exit intent surveys to gather information directly from users and personalize their journeys going forward.
  1. Allianz: This leading financial services company used Insider to unify its customer data, which made it possible to make timely data-driven decisions regarding its marketing approach. They also segmented customers and started targeting them with strategic app push notifications right before their renewal date. This helped them boost customer lifetime value (CLTV) and achieve an 80% opt-in rate for their app push notifications.

Unify and active your customer data across 12+ channels with Insider

Insider is a perfect CDP for insurance brands looking to unify their customer data and get the tools necessary to understand and personalize the customer experience across all channels. 

Our platform can help you:

  • Unify customer data from any online or offline source — including CRMs, CMSs, APIs, POS devices, analytics software, and more — and get accurate, 360-degree customer profiles.
  • Manage and keep customer data secure and comply with data privacy regulations like GDPR.
  • Overcome data silos and save resources by using one platform to unify and activate your data across your website, mobile app, email marketing campaigns, messaging channels, and more.
  • Individualize every customer touchpoint to improve key metrics like conversions, revenue, and retention. 
  • Leverage the full power of AI to personalize campaigns, predict customer behaviors, have unstructured, two-way conversations with customers, and work more efficiently.

Click here to book a demo with our team and learn how Insider can help you reach your business goals

Katie Morley - Global Content Director

Katie is an award-winning content marketer with over eight years of experience in content strategy, development, and copywriting. As Global Content Director at Insider, she currently oversees content strategy across 26 regions. Fun fact: Katie read 64 books last year (for which she owes a long commute and two week-long holidays where she spent approximately six hours a day with her nose in a book).

Read more from Katie Morley

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