5 strategies to drive revenue and customer loyalty for 

Hi, we are Insider. 

We are here to help Joules accelerate its growth as an increasingly digital lifestyle brand.

Here are 5 customised and highly-effective approaches to help you accelerate your online business and bring the joy of the countryside to customers – even while on their digital devices.

Take inspiration and learn how to:

  • Enhance product discovery on mobile with snackable stories
  • Leverage gamification tactics to increase subscription rates
  • Identify and reactivate silent customers to increase loyalty and LTV
  • Boost engagement and conversions across digital channels
  • Personalize the shopping experience for each customer – wherever they are

Provide additional profit for partners with visual storytelling

Increase product discoverability through social-style navigation. With InStory, each thumbnail can be personalized to individual users’ interests or behavior, and expands into a full-screen immersive experience.

Multi-brand retailers use InStory to showcase partner brands, offering premium real-estate and enhanced storytelling opportunities to drive additional revenue and build profitable brand partnerships.

Increase conversion rates with personalized website content

Displaying generic content across a static website experience is a missed opportunity to drive higher engagement and conversion rates.

With Insider’s deep web personalization capabilities, you can combat “banner blindness”. Returning or known visitors are shown a hyper-relevant experience, with content and products personalized to reflect their shopping history, browsing behavior, interests – or predicted behavior.

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Convert anonymous visitors into known customers with gamification

Building purchase confidence, speeding up decision making and eliminating the need to shop around remain some of the biggest challenges for ecommerce and marketing teams.

Create urgency and give customers the assurance they need to make a purchase in the shortest possible time.

Increase customer loyalty and lifetime value through cross-channel journey orchestration

Convert “one-time” shoppers into repeat customers and identify opportunities to cross-sell.

With Architect, Insider’s cross-channel journey orchestrator, you can make every customer interaction dependent on: what are they interested in? What do they click? What have they purchases? Which is the best channel to engage?

Create powerful, personalized cross-channel experiences that deliver relevant messages via a customer’s preferred channel.

Reactivate silent customers to increase CLV and tackle churn

All the signs are there. They’ve stopped coming to site, they’re not opening your emails, they haven’t made a purchase in months. It’s time to mix up your strategy.

Insider’s machine learning recognizes the distinct behavioural patterns of your customers to detect when a customer is likely to churn – before it’s too late.
Keep the conversation going by identifying the right channel and message for each customer who is in danger of churning to inspire loyalty and keep customers engaged.

Trusted by 1000+ businesses, including:

Marks & Spencer increases cart recovery rate to 15.1%

Ready for peak? Strategies to maximize holiday revenue

IKEA gets more than 3,000 4-star reviews with in-app overlays

Ready to learn more?

If you would like to discuss how any of these strategies would bring value to the Joules customer experience, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Kristian Kramp

Digital Growth Consultant


+44 7366 569 577

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