Success Story

How United Colors of Benetton achieved a 7X increase in conversions and 10X increase in new user acquisition

Web Push
Cross-Channel Marketing


conversion rate
[via Web Push]


higher conversion rate
than industry average


new user sign-up
rate [via Web Push]


higher sign-up rate
than industry average


Retail – Fashion


Cross-Channel Marketing



Web Suite


Web Push


We love working with Insider primarily for their customer journey orchestration capabilities. We’ve removed a lot of guesswork and manual intervention when delivering individualized journeys to customers at different stages of their life cycle. The results are remarkable.”

eCommerce Manager

Executive summary

United Colors of Benetton chose Insider to help them solve two big challenges: reducing cart abandonment and increasing new user sign-ups. 

To tackle cart abandonment, they used a three-stage Web Push notification strategy to achieve a 4.8% conversion rate. For new user sign-ups, they created a Web Push journey flow that led to a 5.7% sign-up rate. These personalized customer journeys were made possible by Insider’s AI-powered tool, Architect.

About United Colors of Benetton

United Colors of Benetton is an Italian fashion brand founded in 1965. The brand is known for its vibrant and bold colors, as well as its commitment to social and environmental causes. 

Operating in over 120 countries worldwide with over 5,000 stores, the brand employs over 9,000 people globally and is recognized for its innovative marketing campaigns that tackle social issues such as diversity and inclusion.


Increasing conversion rates by 4.8%
thanks to Insider’s Architect

The challenge

Benetton wanted to reduce its cart abandonment rate by offering incentives to entice customers back. However, they also wanted to improve profit margins, which meant they couldn’t rely solely on offering discounts.

The solution

Benetton used Insider’s AI-powered journey orchestration tool, Architect, to create personalized customer journeys. They began by targeting customers who had left items in their cart with personalized Web Push notifications about new arrivals—each one sent three hours after cart abandonment. 

They then followed up with a second  individualized message containing a URL for customers to complete their purchase. If the user still didn’t convert, they scheduled a third message offering a coupon code. 
Architect allowed Benetton to build individualized journeys using behavioral data and predictive intelligence, helping them achieve a conversion rate 7X higher than the industry average.

Achieving higher conversion rates and new user sign-ups led to a significant increase in our incremental revenue. With Insider as our partner, we can focus on creatives and brand messaging, rather than tech roadblocks.”

eCommerce Manager

The results


conversion rate


higher conversion rate
than industry average


Increasing new user sign-ups by 5.7% with
personalized Web Push notifications

The challenge

Benetton wanted to increase revenue by expanding its customer base, but was struggling with a low rate of new user sign-ups. They needed a solution that could create personalized, engaging journeys that convinced new users to sign up.

The solution

Insider’s growth management team suggested using Architect, a customer journey orchestration tool. Benetton created a Web Push journey flow to attract new users and encourage them to make their first purchase. 

The flow involved creating two Web Push notifications:
One that was sent to users who’d not made a purchase in the first seven days, reminding them of their new user discount. 

And a second notification, sent 24 hours later, with a URL to the discount and checkout page to incentivize users to sign up and complete their first purchase.

The results


sign-up rate


higher sign-up rate than
the industry average


Through Insider’s platform, Benetton was able to create personalized customer journeys, resulting in a significant increase in conversion rates, revenue, and new user sign-ups, and reducing cart abandonment rates.

Looking ahead

Benetton plans to improve its onsite personalization and engagement strategies with Insider’s Web Push and journey orchestration features.

Additionally, they’ll explore Insider’s AI-powered predictive micro-segmentation capabilities to create predictive segments such as “discount affinity” and “likelihood to purchase” to personalize customer experiences and drive stronger results.

Favorite feature


Benetton's favorite tool is Architect, Insider’s customer journey orchestration tool, which enabled them to design and deliver unique customer journeys using AI-powered segmentation and automation. Architect helped Benetton achieve impressive conversion rates that outshone industry averages.

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