Supercharge your marketing ROI with these 12 productivity-boosting and cost-cutting features

At Insider, we love nothing more than helping marketers accomplish their goals more efficiently and at lower costs. That’s why we’ve been working hard to build an extensive suite of productivity-boosting, cost-cutting features to help you improve your performance and optimize your marketing spend, including:

  • Being more productive with centralized data management, a pre-built template library, drag-and-drop email builders, and AI-powered Winner Autoselection for A/B testing.
  • Cutting costs with hyper-relevant content targeting, streamlined remarketing strategies, and Next Best Channel.
  • Improving ROI with AI-generated predictive segmentation, personalized search experiences with Eureka, conversational commerce on WhatsApp, advanced onsite experiments, and cross-channel customer journey orchestration via Architect. 

Insider is an all-in-one martech platform that helps more than 1,200 brands worldwide work smarter—not harder—to deliver hyper-personalized experiences that boost conversion rates and lower acquisition costs.

Coming up are 12 key Insider features you’d be mad not to add to your marketing toolbox this year.

Be more productive

1. Centralized customer data management

Insider unifies all your customer data (across multiple martech platforms) to create a single source of truth. We’ve built a trusted ecosystem of connectors and integrations designed to help brands do more with their existing tech stack from within Insider’s intuitive interface.

Instead of switching between multiple platforms and applications, Insider allows you to access all the connected platforms from a single interface. This eliminates the need to log in and navigate different websites or apps, saving you time and effort. It also has a huge, positive impact on your customer experience—marketers can deliver state-of-the-art CX, regardless of the channel, by centralizing the data.


“10X ROI achieved with Insider’s Customer Data Experience Platform. Insider offers a top-notch customer data platform that powers our marketing campaigns. The CDP consolidates data from multiple sources and enables effective cross-channel customer journeys. With Insider’s marketing suite, we’ve enhanced our cross-channel customer engagement and personalized even the smallest elements of our campaigns, resulting in increased engagement on our website.” 

2. 120+ pre-built template library for quick and efficient campaign creation

Insider ensures campaign creation and launch are smooth with a ready-made template library packed full of pre-approved assets, significantly reducing the time taken to create new campaigns. Marketers can easily find the template that works best by filtering them based on business goals, target platforms, display types, and more. What’s more, our team continuously adds and optimizes each template for every industry and business goal, so you’ll always have the latest templates to work from. 

Insider’s template library helps your team deliver campaigns in minutes—not days

3. Drag-and-drop builder supercharges email creation time

Insider’s drag-and-drop editor makes creating and launching emails quick and easy. Users can build on a default template by dragging and dropping elements to quickly design emails—without needing CSS or HTML skills. 


“We love how easy it is to create and send personalized messages to our customers based on their behavior and interests. The drag-and-drop email builder has made creating visually appealing emails a cakewalk.”

Users can choose a layout, add content blocks, and make brand style adjustments effortlessly. In-line content editing enables users to add or update content by clicking on it and typing directly. The editor also provides in-editor image editing, allowing users to resize, add elements, and modify images.

Alternatively, users can use the in-line HTML editor to build a custom email template from scratch.

Insider’s simple drag-and-drop email builder makes email creation easy and quick

4. AI-powered winner selection saves time and optimizes testing outcomes

With Insider’s A/B Winner Autoselection, you can authorize our AI-backed platform to select and direct users automatically to the winning A/B test variation, based on your selected metrics. 

Insider saves you time manually checking the performance of A/B tests by letting machine learning determine the best path for you—freeing you and your team up to focus on other tasks.

A/B testing a “Buy now” button with Insider’s advanced A/B testing capabilities and Winner Autoselection feature

Cut costs and reduce wasted spend

5. Hyper-relevant content targeting removes wasted spend

Insider offers content personalization based on a number of different factors, such as demographics, traffic source, location, previous shopping history, brand affinity, and more. 

Insider’s hyper-relevant targeting capabilities help brands reduce costs by creating focused content that helps marketers run laser-focussed campaigns—avoiding wasted spending on customers who aren’t interested. By targeting AI-based segments of users with relevant, timely, and contextual content, you increase the likelihood of them doing business with you.


“We had just reached the European and US markets with our new line up of products. Though we identified a target audience, getting the right customer was always challenging. Thankfully, Insider helped us to segment the audience. With their predictive segmentation, in addition to the segmentation based on purchase history and CRM data, we could identify customers who wanted to shop from our app. Coupled with other Insider tools, such as personalization templates and messaging apps, we could push relevant content to our customers and get the clicks and conversions we wanted.”

For example, you can increase the conversion rate of VIP users by creating customized welcome pages highlighting high-value products, offering them a unique service to make them feel special and increase their likelihood of purchasing.

A customized welcome page for VIP users

6. Streamlined remarketing strategies help cut costs

By leveraging the power of AI, Insider’s cross-channel journey orchestrator, Architect, helps businesses understand user behavior, preferences, and intent, allowing for the creation of highly targeted remarketing campaigns.

Businesses can easily leverage all of Insider’s segments and triggers to define and orchestrate their remarketing efforts to build and set up remarketing audience segments, define triggers and events, and design personalized messages that resonate with their target audience on their preferred channels.

In short, Architect helps brands identify where customers are in their journey and how best to retarget them, helping to reduce wasted spend on inefficient retargeting campaigns.


“For remarketing across multiple platforms and channels, Insider is the most useful, robust solution out there.” 

7. Next Best Channel optimizes campaign performance

Insider’s Next Best Channel feature automates marketing decisions by leveraging strong data analytics functions, deciding the next best channel option for engaging each user. ‘Best’ relates to the highest possibility of engagement among the specified channels. 

This AI-based strategy increases your chances of success based on clear, hard data, helping you remove wasted spend on channels or experiences that don’t resonate with your customers based on their current touchpoint.

Insider’s next best channel feature helps optimize campaign performance

Improve CVR and increase your ROI

8. AI-generated predictive segments increase ROAS

Insider empowers brands to increase ROAS by delivering hyper-relevant messages across Google Search, YouTube, Gmail, and Google Display Network. Our AI-generated segments help you personalize your ad campaigns based on predictive segments, including likelihood to churn, likelihood to purchase, discount affinity, and much more.

AI-generated segments help you avoid wasted spend by targeting the right user at the right time with the right message. Insider’s predictive, AI-based audiences help you build ad campaigns that perform at a lower cost thanks to effective, relevant targeting.


“Insider helped us optimize our advertising costs. Architect helped us segment our target audience more accurately by targeting only those with the highest possibility to convert. We were able to focus our ad budgets for Facebook and Google more effectively…and significantly improve our returns from ads.”

For example, you can use AI-generated segments to target users who are more likely to have an affinity for new launches. Create a custom conversion goal for the new products, and build a segment with these users to target them with personalized ad campaigns that land them on relevant pages.

Personalize ad campaigns for those with an affinity for new launches

9. Eureka helps customers discover products fast

Improve product discovery with Eureka, a product discovery platform that allows you to curate intelligent, relevant, and fast search experiences so your customers find the right product at the right time depending on their intent.

Eureka is Insider’s AI-powered search and merchandising platform, which enables you to increase clickthrough rates and conversions by tailoring products based on your customer’s behavior and intent.

Eureka is a product discovery platform that helps increase CTR and CVR

10. WhatsApp Commerce enables conversational buying

WhatsApp Commerce is a powerful new capability for brands to build two-way conversational buying experiences for their customers. It allows brands to engage with their audience on the channel where they spend the most time and in the same style as chatting with friends and family. WhatsApp Commerce allows brands to build experiences directly within the WhatsApp interface, allowing customers to discover, browse, and buy without leaving the app.

It also offers brands a platform for handling scalable, compelling, and conversational marketing through templates and automation—all directly through one of the most popular apps on Earth.

Insider Whatsapp conversational commerce mens shoes

11. Advanced experimentation on web and app help increase conversions

Insider’s experimentation feature for app (Content Optimizer) and web (Onsite Experiments) lets brands experiment, personalize, optimize, and test without the need for development knowledge. By simplifying the testing process and reducing the need for code, Insider helps turn your marketing and eCommerce teams into ROI-driving machines.

Insider’s experimentation features allow you to:

  • Change CTAs, text, images, or entire layouts on desktop and mobile
  • Test new ideas without the need for dev support
  • Create A/B tests by updating the existing elements on your website to see which group performs better
  • And improve and personalize the user experience on your website in seconds.
Insider’s onsite experiment feature makes it easy to test, optimize, and improve your website—without the need for dev support

12. Architect enables personalization at scale

Insider’s customer journey orchestration tool, Architect, empowers brands to maximize the value of their marketing efforts by delivering seamless and personalized experiences across push, onsite, in-app, email, WhatsApp, Facebook, TikTok, SMS, and more.

Using AI-based segmentation, Architect helps brands build campaigns and messaging that resonate with their target audience, improving ROI by delivering hyper-personalization at scale.

“We were finding difficulties building customer journeys to provide our customers with a more personalized experience. Then we got to know about Insider’s Architect, a cross-channel personalization solution to create campaigns on different channels simultaneously. Within just three months of usage and implementation of multiple campaigns, we saw 2x growth in the ROI.

Join Insider and enjoy superfast integration and implementation

As marketers ourselves, we know you can’t afford to experience downtime. That’s why we offer super lightweight Javascript and SDKs that easily integrate with your web or app in minutes.

No two customers are the same, so neither are any two implementation processes. That’s why once we know what’s most important to your business, our technical team builds a personalized integration plan that prioritizes your needs rather than following a set pattern. There’s no ‘one size fits all’ approach with us. That way, the tools you need most urgently will be the ones you get access to first.


“When Insider commits to a timeline, they stick to it. We have achieved the fastest ROI with Insider.” 

  • Digital marketing manager at retail brand

You can learn more about our expert approach to integration by reading our article: Avoiding the martech implementation headache.

Ready to find out more?

If you’d like to learn more about how Insider’s productivity-boosting and cost-cutting features can level up your business, book a demo with us today. We’d love to show you how we do things around here.

Katie Morley - Global Content Director

Katie is an award-winning content marketer with over eight years of experience in content strategy, development, and copywriting. As Global Content Director at Insider, she currently oversees content strategy across 26 regions. Fun fact: Katie read 64 books last year (for which she owes a long commute and two week-long holidays where she spent approximately six hours a day with her nose in a book).

Read more from Katie Morley

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