iPhone X: Here’s how it will shape the future of CX

Nicolas Algoedt

Nov 8, 2017

Table of Contents
  1. Our insights on why marketers need to be ready for the new game-changer iPhone X

  2. Full Size Experience

  3. What’s Next: AR Enriched Inclusive Experiences

  4. Transcending Barriers with Facial Recognition

  5. Bottom Line

Our insights on why marketers need to be ready for the new game-changer iPhone X

Introduced in mid-September by Tim Cook as ‘’future of the smartphones’’, the iPhone X went on sale this week. As with every iPhone release, the X and new software iOS 11 created a big buzz with its new features and altered design which seems to be bringing a lot of opportunities and challenges into the marketing world as well.

Here are 5 ways that iPhone X will shape the world and why marketers should be aware of these upcoming features in order to keep their brands on top of the game.

Full Size Experience

The phone has a 5.8‑inch Super Retina screen making it an eye-candy for all gadget lovers. Apple has removed their iconic home screen button. This means that a space of almost 20 more percent can be used to provide better experiences for users. While the gesture moves become even more important for the iPhone X with the removal of the home screen button ,the full screen experience seems to take the notification center one step further. Now users can access more information on the notification window with a fewer scrolls. This is also a great news to marketers who frequently send push notifications as customers will not hesitate to sign up for notifications as it will not hog more space than it needs. It will also open up a new world of delivering experience for marketers by displaying more engaging notifications such as carousel push, slider push etc. With full size experience, users will now have an access to visual content in a more explicit manner.

What’s Next: AR Enriched Inclusive Experiences

The iPhone X is getting its power from the six-core Apple A11 Bionic processor. As Apple calls it, the Apple A11 Bionic is the most powerful and smartest phone process ever used, capable of handling up to 600 billion operations per second. This kind of processor seems to be a big step in putting the concept of Augmented Reality, which Apple has emphasized in this launch. Marketing strategies in the mobile channel will become even more important when we consider that brick and mortar stores are at hand with AR or in our screens. Users will begin to demand even more personalized experiences. For example, location-specific content combined with AR technology can create a brand new advertising and communication medium for marketers.

Transcending Barriers with Facial Recognition

Security concerns, which is one of the biggest causes of low conversion rates on mobile, can be reduced with the iPhone X. With FaceID, Apple tries to reduce these concerns by adding an extra layer to the classical security layers by allowing users to pay with their facial recognition. It is anticipated that more layers of security delivered in a seamless way will reduce users’ anxieties and push them further to shop on their mobile devices

Bottom Line

Particularly with the full screen experience, AR technology, FaceID and iOS 11 will once again reveal the importance of mobile-oriented thinking as well as opening different gateways for marketers. Marketers will no longer have any excuses to deliver content that is not mobile oriented to create meaningful experiences customers are demanding. The new generation of iPhone seems to break ground to appeal to consumers who demand more and more personalized content day by day. We will see in the coming days whether ‘’Future of the Smartphones’’ will be future of the mobile marketing.

Passionate about new technologies and e-commerce, Nicolas has held various position at leading e-commerce and tech companies including Groupon, Microsoft and Bwin.