The Ultimate Digital Growth Guide for OTA Marketers
5 Proven Strategies for Winning at Mobile and Digital Disruption
Plus: 7 creative solutions for converting and engaging customers better, faster, and smarter than the competition
From the very start, online travel agencies (OTAs) have been about disruption. Taking the traditional offline business of booking accommodations and travel, and turning the model on its head.
While OTAs have been leading the market share until now, by 2022 the market share is expected to be a 50/50 split between OTAs and hotels.
That’s why we’ve created this eBook for OTA marketers. Dive in to get an in-depth overview of how you can continue to disrupt the industry by converting and engaging customers better, faster, and smarter than the competition:
and 7 creative solutions for tackling critical KPIs, including conversions, revenue, sessions-to-transactions ratio, ancillary sales, booking recovery, return on ad spend (ROAS) and more.
Sit back and enjoy the read, as we cross-check and ready the doors for your brand’s take-off!