Join our workshop!
Wednesday, June 26 at 11:00 am
Real-Life Perspectives and Use Cases on How Generative AI is Changing Marketing
In this fire-round session, Kubilay Sengun, VP Revenue at Insider, and Andrea Ziboli, eLab Technology Director at Watson, will discuss how to embrace Generative AI to unlock new levels of creativity, efficiency, and customer connection. Uncover lessons and inspiration for navigating the AI-driven future of marketing and discovering opportunities to propel profitable growth and increase productivity.

Kubilay Sengun
VP Revenue EU&UK

Kubilay Sengun
VP Revenue EU&UK

Andrea Zoboli
eLab Technology Director

Andrea Zoboli
eLab Technology Director

Kubilay Sengun
VP Revenue EU&UK

Kubilay Sengun
VP Revenue EU&UK

Andrea Zoboli
eLab Technology Director

Andrea Zoboli
eLab Technology Director

Kubilay Sengun
VP Revenue EU&UK

Andrea Zoboli
eLab Technology Director