Real-Life Perspectives and Use Cases on How Generative AI is Changing Marketing

At eTail London on June 25 and 26, we had the pleasure of hosting a workshop led by Emily Maddox, Digital Growth Consultant at Insider, and Andrea Zoboli, eLab Technology Director at A.S. Watson. 

Titled “Real-Life Perspectives and Use Cases on How Generative AI is Changing Marketing,” this session was packed full of insights into the transformative power of generative AI in the marketing world.

Diving into generative AI in marketing

Transforming marketing strategies

Emily Maddox kicked off by sharing the remarkable impact that automation and generative AI are having on contemporary marketing strategies. With AS Watson, a retail giant operating over 16,000 stores worldwide and boasting an impressive $20 billion in annual revenue, the discussion provided a compelling backdrop for understanding the vast potential of these cutting-edge technologies.

The three pillars of generative AI

The conversation was structured around three fundamental pillars where generative AI is making a world of difference:

  1. Personalisation at scale
    • Creating personalised customer experiences: Emily explained how generative AI enables marketers to craft highly personalized experiences. By tailoring messages to individual customer needs and behaviors, businesses can engage more meaningfully and effectively.
    • Dynamic content creation: The power of generative AI to produce bespoke content was highlighted, demonstrating how it can enhance the relevance and impact of marketing campaigns.
  2. Operational impact
    • Boosting efficiency and productivity: Andrea elaborated on the operational advantages, noting how AI-powered automation can streamline various processes, saving precious time and resources.
    • Predictive analytics: AI’s predictive capabilities allow marketers to identify the best channels and methods for engaging customers, thereby optimizing overall marketing efforts.
  3. Insights and analytics
    • Data-driven decision making: The ability of AI to analyze extensive amounts of customer data and provide actionable insights was underscored, helping businesses make informed decisions and continuously improve their strategies.

Real-world use cases from AS Watson

Andrea shared three fascinating real-world examples of how AS Watson is using  generative AI to enhance their marketing strategy:

  • Automated campaigns: AS Watson has rolled out AI-driven campaigns that assist customers in finding the right products efficiently. When human assistance is required, AI seamlessly redirects customers to human representatives, ensuring a smooth experience.
  • WhatsApp integration: A particularly innovative approach has been the integration of WhatsApp for completing purchases. This simplifies the buying process and combines AI automation with human support, delivering a delightful customer experience.

Engaging group discussions

The workshop was highly interactive, with group discussions that encouraged participants to share their thoughts on implementing generative AI. Here are some key takeaways from the group discussions:

  • Biggest opportunities for AI:
    • Content creation: Participants recognized that AI can expedite content generation while ensuring legal and copyright compliance.
    • Customer interaction: Enhancing customer interactions with timely, personalized responses was seen as a significant advantage of AI.
  • Challenges of AI:
    • Data governance: Ensuring proper data governance to avoid exposing sensitive information was a top concern.
    • Regulatory compliance: Managing AI-generated content within legal frameworks, especially for industries like food where allergen information is critical, was highlighted as a challenge.
  • Potential missed opportunities of AI:
    • Without AI: Businesses risk missing out on efficiencies, personalized customer experiences, and data-driven insights that could significantly enhance their marketing strategies if they choose not to adopt AI.

Wrapping up

The workshop concluded by reflecting on the immense potential of generative AI in revolutionizing marketing strategies. Embracing generative AI can lead to significant operational efficiencies, enriched customer experiences, and powerful data-driven insights. However, addressing the challenges of data governance and regulatory compliance is crucial to fully unlock the benefits of this technology.

As businesses continue to explore the endless possibilities of generative AI, the insights shared during this workshop at eTail London provide a valuable roadmap for navigating the complexities and opportunities that lie ahead. 

Get in touch

For more information on how Insider can help transform your marketing strategy, book a demo with one of our experts today.

This article is based on the discussions and insights shared at eTail London on 26th of June, 2024