Future Retail 2018 [Tulevaisuuden Kauppa 2018], Finland: Three key takeaways from a seminar with our Nordics expert

Nicolas Algoedt

Oct 23, 2018

Nicolas Algoedt

Oct 23, 2018

On the 9th of October, a selected crowd of digital entrepreneurs, influencers and retail experts came together at the Future Retail 2018 (Tulevaisuuden Kauppa 2018), in Helsinki, for a full day of intense networking, exchange and discovery.

Our Country Manager Nordics, Anu Peltola, led an inspiring seminar session, unveiling the massive challenges faced by retailers in the digital space, showing them how AI-backed predictive segmentation solutions can turn their biggest pains into growth boosters. Anu was later joined by Wojciech Szymczyk, Digital & Customer Value Manager at Multikino VUE (Poland), who delighted the audience with practical insights and real-life stories from Multikino’s two-year successful partnership with Insider.

As we firmly set our anchor in the Nordic region, the event marks a watershed for Insider. And since we couldn’t help our curiosity, we asked Anu to share her three takeaways from the event. I had the pleasure of catching up with her in our headquarters and this is what she shared during our insightful conversation.

“Personalization is a must”

Retailers who wish to win the race for growth need to take this strategy in its entirety and personalize all stages of the user journey. Simply personalizing different elements of the website is not enough anymore, customers’ needs and wants should be met at every stage of their digital navigation. Personalization is a must and companies learning to master it will see the highest growth numbers in both conversions and return on ad spend.

“Customer data is a prerequisite for customer centricity”

Leveraging customer data has never been so crucial. As the level of complexity of e-commerce grows, the importance of being able to drive operations leveraging data increases exponentially. Hence the ability to access user data across organizations is a prerequisite to making data-driven decisions targeted for growth and higher efficiency.

Breaking the infamous data silos is key to taking full advantage of understanding customers’ behavior and taking actions accordingly, and multichannel navigation adds an extra challenge to putting together smooth and highly-personalized experiences.

“Everyone is struggling with the lack of e-commerce talent”

With Insider, marketers now have one integrated platform that enables them to take ownership of driving growth by seamlessly personalizing their sites’ user experiences. With this tool, they can run onsite and offsite campaigns, all while having access to the user data needed for measuring and continuously improving performance metrics. That’s what Insider’s Growth Management Platform was designed to do: to help marketers better understand their customer’s data and harness that knowledge to power up hyper-personalized experiences through all stages of the funnel.

For more information on how partnering with Insider can benefit your e-commerce, you can contact Anu through her LinkedIn!

Passionate about new technologies and e-commerce, Nicolas has held various position at leading e-commerce and tech companies including Groupon, Microsoft and Bwin.