Success Story

How MACROS achieved a 14% increase in CVR and 10% higher AOV with Insider’s personalization platform

Web Suite


in CVR


in AOV


revenue gained


Food & Delivery


Upsell & Cross-sell


Web Push


Web banners
Web Push
Smart Recommender

“We’ve seen a huge difference in customer service from Insider compared to other competitors. It’s very noticeable how Insider prioritizes customer service along with improving its products. Our meetings and discussions with the Insider team always help us generate new ideas, and they provide suggestions on improving our active campaigns based on best practices and experience from other Insider partners. The Customer Success team is very proactive and addresses any feedback or struggles with support.”

Product Lead

Executive summary

MACROS was struggling with its website set up and coding. The need for dev and IT support was lengthening campaign launch times, and conversion rates weren’t at the level they wanted.  Insider’s intuitive, drag-and-drop onsite builder paired with its engaging, ready-made templates enabled the MACROS team to update and launch website campaigns without technical support. Insider’s engaging, personalized templates not only boosted efficiency for the team but also drove results, achieving a 15% increase in CVR, a 10% increase in AOV and driving $88K AUD in incremental revenue for the brand.


MACROS’ mission is to be a leading provider of high-quality, healthy, ready-made meals for Australian consumers looking for convenient ways to achieve their macronutrient requirements. MACROS and Insider have been working together for over two years. 


Gaining a 360-degree view of customers with Insider’s CDP

The challenge

MACROS was struggling with a lack of visibility into customer behavior and marketing campaign performance. With customer data locked in siloes across multiple solutions, it was impossible to make data-driven decisions based on clear and actionable data.

The solution

By unifying customer data across all marketing touchpoints with Insider’s CDP, MACROS gained a 360-degree view of customer behavior with individual customer profiles created for each user. This granular level of detail enabled MACROS to better understand customer behavior, needs, and preferences which it could then use to craft more seamless customer experiences. With 120+ attributes available within Insider’s platform, MACROS could segment and target its audience with precision to ensure every message was relevant, timely, and unique to the customer. 

The results


a 360-degree
view of customers


campaign segmentation
and targeting capabilities


Using Insider’s Web Suite to deliver personalized experiences at scale 

The challenge

As a startup, MACROS’ main goal was attracting new customers and building stronger customer loyalty. However, MACROS was struggling with limited customer engagement on-site which was negatively impacting conversion rates and brand love. It knew it needed to deliver a more personalized onsite experience for each customer to help scale in line with its targets.

The solution

Insider’s Web Suite gave MACROS everything it needed to deliver seamless CX at scale. And the team didn’t have to wait weeks for IT support either thanks to Insider’s ready-to-use Web Templates—such as Hello Bar, Side Coupon Menu, Surveys, and InStory. These templates enabled the marketing team at MACROS to move fast and launch campaigns in minutes, not days—with no IT support required.

The team also used Insider’s A/B testing capabilities to evaluate campaigns and gain insight into the most effective tools. This allowed the marketing team to constantly refine its strategies to improve CVR and increase customer retention. 

“Our success depends on our ability to not only attract new customers but also retain them. High customer engagement and conversion rates mean higher revenue and sustainable growth, and Insider helped us engage and retain customers with highly personalized campaigns tailored to each user. This combination of personalization and data-driven optimization was instrumental in our success.”

Product Lead

The results


in CTR


in CVR


in AOV


revenue generated


Engaging modern shoppers with InStory

The challenge

MACROS wanted an alternative to traditional FAQ pages and contact forms for top-level inquiries. The brand was looking to incorporate Insider features that could help visitors navigate its website and discover its products in an engaging, visual format.

The solution

Insider’s InStory solution is a product discovery tool that emulates the familiar social media ‘story’ format to engage the 8-second attention span. MACROS used InStory to launch new products, boost product discovery, and answer FAQS. The brand covered topics including ‘How To Order,’ ‘Our Meal Range,’ and an event-based story titled ‘Father’s Day Giveaway.’ As InStory is such a familiar format, the brand saw immediate results in both revenue and impressions. 

“InStory helped us to convey different sets of messaging under specific topics in an engaging, intuitive way. We’ve been delighted to discover that we received close to $80K AUD in revenue, and more than $17K AUD in incremental revenue through InStory despite conversions not being an initial KPI for the campaign.”

Product Lead

The results


revenue generated




“Our customer-built website had a lot of limitations and we previously relied on IT support, but Insider has enabled us to launch and create user-friendly, timely, relevant campaigns in next to no time, without any additional resources. Insider has had an astronomical impact on the growth of our business.

Product Lead

Looking ahead

MACROS will continue to strive to deliver the best ready-made meal delivery in the country. The team is looking forward to expanding its marketing strategy with new channels, such as WhatsApp and SMS to better engage customers wherever they are.

Favorite feature


MACROS’ favorite feature is InStory for its ability to increase brand awareness and improve storytelling for new products and launches.

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