From 6 desks to 16 regions: Building a new category for digital marketers

Nicolas Algoedt

Apr 2, 2018

Table of Contents
  1. Driving growth, loyalty and customer mindfulness

  2. Identifying the “missing” in the digital space and creating a brand-new category

  3. Building the latest technologies: Reducing marketing waste and investing in customer mindfulness

  4. Global expansion

  5. Scaling our culture and nurturing new talent

  6. Thank You!

Driving growth, loyalty and customer mindfulness

The dynamics of customer experience delivery is changing fast. At a macro level, the cost of capturing customers’ attention is increasing, as customer acquisition costs are climbing at a rate we’ve never seen before. Customers are demanding more personal, meaningful and smoother experiences, no matter what channel they navigate. At a micro level, delivering a personalized experience to each and every customer requires robust Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning backed technologies, to crush silos and put historical and real-time data side by side.

Identifying the “missing” in the digital space and creating a brand-new category

Over the past 6 years, we’ve put all our efforts and relentless dedication into creating new technologies to improve customer experiences. We grew bigger and now we are 240 people, around the globe;  underdogs and trailblazers, we inspire each other to foster a unique culture that drives us to create deeper and more meaningful technologies. We watched our customers’ needs and feedbacks closely, we listened to their customers’ voices. Collecting valuable insights from over 300 digital marketers across different industries, globally, we found a gap in the market, which was the lack of acquisition optimization tech in a marketing scene already crowded with conversion optimization technologies. This inspired us to create a new category: the world’s first integrated Growth Management Platform (GMP).

Building the latest technologies: Reducing marketing waste and investing in customer mindfulness

Growth Management Platform (GMP) gives digital marketers a holistic end-to-end capability across the entire growth funnel, from customer Acquisition to Activation, Retention, and Revenue. Growth Management Platform helps them drive revenue, growth, and loyalty to their brands.

Growth Management Platform has come to the market at a critical moment for CMOs and digital marketers, as 2018 marks a tipping point, where digital ad spend will overtake traditional media in multiple markets worldwide. In this critical moment, with digital investment surpassing, for the first time, TV ad spend in seventeen markets worldwide, GMP will help CMOs and digital marketers across industries act as growth drivers in their organizations striving to reduce ‘marketing waste’.

To deliver the unique experiences every customer deserves, we will continue to heavily invest in more robust AI and Machine Learning technologies, grounded on knowledge activation and neural network-based models, creating a smoother and organic connection between technology and users. Our aim is to help marketers create more intelligent interactions with their customers, through exposing them to the most relevant content on their preferred channels, delivering delightful experiences that are mindful of their customers’ attention and time.

Global expansion

In 2017, we experienced a threefold increase, and with our HQ in Singapore, we now have 16 offices around the globe, including Japan, South Korea, Singapore, UK and Australia. In 2018, we have plans to enter new and exciting markets, such as the US and China. Ever since our very beginning, from our 6 desks within a small home office, we wanted to go where others dare not, that’s how we moved East, where we saw a hungry yet high-potential market. We settled and partnered, giving our full attention to local demands, while also inserting them into a bustling global market.

Our holistic approach to technology, in a global borderless economy, and the industries we attend to, is a reflection of our cultivated values. That’s how we will continue to grow, always looking after our customers, and their customers, in their local languages and time zones, sharing our best practices and expertise across industries.

Scaling our culture and nurturing new talent

As we expand, we learn to speak dozens of languages, but we manage to stay true to our culture and the core value behind our determination and strive: care.

We keep putting our energy and efforts into hiring the best talent in the markets we move into, spreading our culture and establishing a community that is both local and global. We also cultivate talent by mentoring and inspiring younger generations, encouraging them to become engineers and tech entrepreneurs with our 1+1+1 project. In this project, we bring high school students into Insider to develop their coding and communication skills and help them set up bigger challenges and dreams.

Thank You!

To all Insider customers, your insights and feedback have been vital in our growth journey. Thank you for being an important part of the impact we are looking to create in the lives of marketers and their customers alike. We are fully committed to continuing to shape the future of customer experience delivery and build new and exciting categories. And we promise we’ll continue to nurture our partnership like never before. We look forward to co-creating and growing together.

Passionate about new technologies and e-commerce, Nicolas has held various position at leading e-commerce and tech companies including Groupon, Microsoft and Bwin.