Success Story

How Slazenger gained 49X ROI in only 8 weeks thanks to Insider’s omnichannel marketing solution

Cross-Channel Marketing
Cross-Channel Marketing


ROI within eight weeks


increase in customer acquisition


increase in CTR compared to regular campaigns


Retail – Fashion


Cross-Channel Marketing


Push Notifications






Cart Recovery

Insider enabled us to build relevant and timely campaigns across nearly 30 different customer segments. We built personalized, multi-channel user experiences and combined this with on-site gamification, which helped us gain a 700% increase in customer acquisition and 49X ROI within just two months thanks to Insider

Ecommerce Director

Executive summary

Slazenger was looking for a cross-channel customer experience solution to engage its customers better and improve the ROI from its martech stack. Having researched online and read other brands’ success stories with Insider, they knew the platform would fit the bill, guaranteeing partner satisfaction, on-hand technical support, and excellent results.

The eCommerce team at Slazenger had one primary objective: to personalize customer experiences across channels by targeting the right segments of users with contextual, relevant messaging.

Insider’s advanced platform and features were game-changing in helping the team achieve this goal. Using Insider’s cross-channel journey orchestration solution, Architect, Slazenger engaged shoppers with contextual messaging about products in which they’d already expressed interest. By sending price drop notifications and cart reminders about these products, they achieved 49X ROI within just two months.

The other Insider products that Slazenger onboarded include the Desktop Web Suite, Mobile Web Suite, and Web Push to engage website visitors with personalized notifications.

About Slazenger

As one of the world’s most established sports brands, Slazenger is well-known for its stylish sportswear covering cricket, tennis, swimming, hockey, golf, and much more. With over 150 years of experience, Slazenger offers a range of both amateur designs and professional-grade products.

Founded in 1881, the brand rose to global fame when champion tennis players requested Slazenger tennis balls for the Grand Slam event. Since then, Slazenger has become famous for having the longest-running sports sponsorship in history by providing tennis balls for Wimbledon since 1902. Slazenger also produced the official match ball for the 1966 FIFA World Cup.


Recovering lost revenue with individualized, cross-channel cart abandonment messaging

The challenge

Slazenger was looking to improve its cart abandonment rate. Cart abandoners are an engaged audience (having completed most steps in the sales funnel already), so they needed a customer experience solution that could help nudge abandoning shoppers to complete their purchases. This would help Slazenger boost conversions and generate a stronger return on investment from their martech stack.

The solution

After aligning on Slazenger’s key challenges, the Insider team implemented our cross-channel journey orchestration tool, Architect. Architect uses customer data and AI to deliver messages at the right time, with the right content, to give each customer journey a hyper-personalized feel. Architect allowed Slazenger to create powerful, personalized, contextual messages and engage its customers across multiple channels, including Web Push, SMS, and Email

Their first campaign was sending cart reminder emails and follow-up communications to nudge cart abandoners to return and complete their purchases. Using the Insider platform, Slazenger targeted abandoning shoppers with an automated notification on their preferred channel (Email, Onsite, or Web Push). Then, Architect sent them a coupon code via SMS

By combining AI and personalization across multiple channels, Architect helped Slazenger re-engage cart abandoners and nudge them to complete their purchases.

The results


ROI in
eight weeks


revenue recovered in a single campaign

We couldn’t believe how quick the cart abandonment campaign was to set up and the results have been incredible. Architect helped us tap back into engaged shoppers and convince them to complete their purchases — a simple but incredibly effective tactic for increasing revenue. We’ve seen a phenomenal return on investment already!

eCommerce Director


Enticing shoppers to return with targeted price drop notifications

Insider's price drop notification workflows

Enticing shoppers to return with targeted price drop notifications

The challenge

Slazenger wanted to improve its email click-through rate (CTR) and conversion rate (CVR). To do this, they wanted to ensure their email messaging was highly likely to get the user’s attention. 

They knew many customers were browsing their products online without purchasing them—perhaps due to higher prices. They also knew discounts significantly impacted buyer behavior, helping to convert users who were previously on the fence with lower prices and limited time offers. It was important for discount messaging to be relevant and targeted, highlighting the specific products a user was interested in to give the email campaign the best chance of success.

The solution

Using Architect, Slazenger sent price drop notifications via Email and Web Push to inform users whenever the price of a product they’d viewed, added to a wishlist, or abandoned in-cart dropped by 10% or more.

With each message sent within 24 hours of the product view, price drop notifications helped create a sense of urgency and encouraged buyers to return and complete their purchase. This price drop strategy also helped Slazenger convert additional cart abandoners into converting buyers.

The results


increase in click-through rate
compared to other campaigns

Architect helped us build a truly omnichannel marketing experience for our customers, enabling us to engage them on the right channels and at the right time. This helped us gain a 12.1% increase in average click-through rate…which shows how much better our messaging is resonating thanks to advanced segmentation and predictive AI.

eCommerce Director

Looking ahead

Slazenger aims to take its customer experience to the next level by adding more Insider products and capabilities. In partnership with Insider, the team plans to improve conversions, further reduce cart abandonment, and deliver more relevant and timely customer messages to improve ROI

Next, they’ll experiment with back-in-stock campaigns and further price drop notifications. Their goal is to deliver 1:1 cross-channel customer experiences across every channel and for every customer to drive better engagement and higher revenue.

Favorite feature


Slazenger’s favorite feature is Architect because it allows them to keep messaging consistent, while orchestrating seamless experiences across all of their customers favorite channels.

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