Insider X Amazon Web Services What’s Next in Product Recommendations?

Personalized product recommendations are helping eCommerce companies around the world increase their competitiveness and optimize their customers’ experience, even at

There is no doubt that as a marketer you can increase your revenue using personalized recommendations. But there is more to it.

Having the right recommendation algorithms on your website powered by AI will help you drive individualized recommendations with precision to uncover your full revenue potential across multiple channels.

That’s why we’re bringing AWS’s Senior Developer Advocate Alex Casalboni and Insider’s Head of Predictive Business Unit Caglar Icer in our 45-60 min webinar to explore:

✔️  What’s missing in the existing recommendation engines currently available in the market and how AWS and Insider are tackling the unsolved pains of marketers

✔️  How Amazon Personalize and Insider Smart Recommender will help marketers deliver unparalleled results with real-time product recommendations that are individualized on every channel with precision

✔️  What differentiates Insider’s recommendations including advanced segmentation and auto-optimization capabilities like Chef which automatically finds and matches best-performing algorithms for each product recommendation

✔️  How truly multichannel recommendations across channels like email, web push, mobile app, and web increase your LTV exponentially