Quality Score

Quality score is a metric used by Ad platforms like Google and Bing that influences an ad’s rank and its cost-per-click. A high-quality score makes sure that the ad is shown above the other ads with a lower quality score, provided that both have the same bid. 

There are several factors to calculate the QS:

  • Click-Through Rate (CTR)
  • Landing page quality
  • Relevance of ad copy
  • Relevance of keywords
  • Historical performance of the ad account

The higher your QS in Ads, the lower your CPC. Higher QS helps marketers earn better and more clicks for lower marketing spend. The primary reason that most ad platforms use quality score is to improve overall user experience by making sure the ads serve the user’s needs. 

Benefits of Improving Quality Score:

Quality Score has a direct correlation on the success of your Google Ads and Bing Ads. By optimizing your QS, you’ll be setting yourself up for higher conversion rates and return on investment (ROI). That’s because higher QS correlates with a low cost per conversion. The cost per conversion is not the same as the cost per click. It’s not how much you pay for each click, but how much you pay when someone takes the action you nudged them towards, whether that’s a free sign-up or a product purchase. Since not every click results in a conversion, cost per conversion is generally higher than cost per click.

How to Increase Your Quality Scores:

It is very important to boost your ratings by working consistently on your google ads account. This can easily be achieved by focusing your efforts on these key areas:

  1. Doing keyword research on highly relevant words
  2. Organizing your keyword groups
  3. Refining your ad text to be targeted towards concentrated audience groups
  4. Optimizing your landing pages according to the best practices
  5. Excluding irrelevant keywords and add negative keywords