How ICI PARIS XL Achieved +110% CR Uplift Using Onsite Personalization


AOV uplift


reduction in bounce rate


conversion rate uplift


ICI PARIS XL was founded in the late 1960’s in Belgium by Mr. and Mrs. Brenig who had a passion for perfume and beauty products. The name ICI PARIS XL means ‘This is Paris and the XL in the name refers to the location of the company’s first store, which was located in Ixelles (pronounced XL), a neighbourhood of Brussels.

ICI PARIS XL’s vision was to make French beauty products accessible to everyone. The concept soon kicks off and more stores open across Brussels, Belgium and neighboring countries follow. 

The A.S. Watson Group, which is now the label under which ICI PARIS XL operates, is currently the largest Health & Beauty Retailer in the World with more than 15,000 stores, in 2002. ICI PARIS XL grew rapidly and currently has 290 stores in Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg.

Executive Summary

ICI PARIS XL wanted a platform that would enable them to optimize conversions and enhance website experience for its customers. They were also looking for a tool that would help them communicate with their users efficiently with a shorter Time-To-Market for faster execution.

ICI PARIS XL was impressed with Insider’s Time-to-Market process and powerful tools focused on optimizing engagement metrics such as conversion rate and AOV. Insider’s panel also provided them with insights into campaign performance and easy tracking of results. The company had a smart recommender in place but was not seeing the results they wanted, so they switched to Insider. 

One of the primary factors that influenced ICI PARIS XL’s decision to go with Insider was their stringent privacy policy which Insider passed. Insider also has a deep understanding of the beauty & cosmetics industry coupled with proven results and a clear approach to drive incremental revenue. ICI PARIS XL also took into consideration Insider’s ISO certification and ease of integration.

Boosting customer confidence around products using social proof

ICI PARIS XL wanted to engage customers and improve customer confidence on the product pages. The brand observed that this was vital to improving conversions.

Insider’s growth consultants suggest the use of the Social Proof tool to show 5-star-rated relevant customer reviews on these product pages. These reviews would be from other customers who had purchased the same product—helping match each user with the right onsite personalization. ICI PARIS XL could now get more from the granular segmentation from Insider.

ICI PARIS XL observed an 9.98% uplift in conversion rate compared to the control group who were not shown these social proof reviews, from these campaigns.

Targeting website visitors with a social media-like stories to improve engagement and reduce bounce rate

ICI PARIS XL was looking for ways to improve the engagement and reduce the bounce rate on their perfume category page. They realized that low engagement was the leading cause of high bounce rates.

The growth consultants at Insider recommended the use of InStory, a social media-like story overlay on the top of a website in order to optimize the engagement and retain customers on the site. In effect, this would enable ICI PARIS XL to reduce the bounce rate and pave the way for conversions.

ICI PARIS XL observed that as a result of the InStory overlay, the bounce rate on the website reduced from 18.21% to 9.71% — a 46% reduction in bounce rate.

Increasing Average Order Value through bundled product suggestion labels

ICI PARIS XL wanted to encourage customers to make more purchases. They realized an effective way to do this was to promote bundled product sets. They wanted a way to promote these bundles effectively.

The team at Insider, having understood the desired objectives, suggested using “also available as a set” labels on specific product pages to promote products that could be purchased as a set. When a user lands on a product page such as a perfume, these labels suggest a “set” in which the perfume can be purchased together with, for example, as a body lotion from the same perfume line.

From running label campaigns on specific product pages, ICI PARIS XL observed a conversion rate uplift of 110% and an AOV uplift of 26.64%.

Encouraging user engagement for July 8 shopping night through countdown banners

ICI PARIS XL wanted to make their shopping night on July 8 a grand success. One of their goals was to create a sense of excitement and urgency for customers.

The Strategic Account Manager at Insider advised ICI PARIS XL to add a countdown banner - a Web personalization template - to the homepage which would show the remaining time for the shopping night, and invite customers to make a purchase at the earliest.

ICI PARIS XL observed a 86,49% uplift in AOV and a 20.36% Conversion Rate uplift from these countdown banner campaigns.

Decreasing cart abandonments
using exit-intent reminders

ICI PARIS XL wanted to decrease the cart abandonment rate, and ensure higher check-out rates on their website. They wanted to remind customers of the pending items in their cart and offer incentives to motivate them to check out.

The team at Insider recommended implementing a Cart Reminder Exit Intent overlay on the website. When users displayed signs of leaving their active sessions, an exit-intent overlay would remind the users of their pending cart items and offer certain discounts if they checked-out immediately.

ICI PARIS XL observed a 25.5% uplift in AOV and a Conversion Rate uplift of 2.62% from these exit-intent campaigns.

Looking Ahead

ICI PARIS XL will continue using Insider to improve and optimize key metrics along the funnel such as conversion rate, AOV and reducing bounce rates. The brand will also explore ways to see how they can better leverage existing products to deliver more accurate experiences to their customers.

ICI PARIS XL will look to explore more of Insider’s recommendation capabilities with Smart Recommender in a bid to drive more value to the customers and optimize engagement onsite.

“Working with Insider is a great pleasure. It gives us a lot of flexibility since Insider can easily integrate with our systems and the IT team is often not needed anymore. Implementing new scenario's therefore goes very fast and smoothly. This shortens our time to market and gives us the ability to improve our eCommerce metrics in no-time.”

Kristof Vervliet

eCommerce Manager

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