Triggered Email

These are emails that are sent automatically after certain conditions or events are triggered. These conditions or events are most predefined and are based on individual users’ behaviors and actions. Triggered emails are also known as behavioral emails. Triggered email is seen as part of the overall marketing automation process called “behavioral marketing automation”. 

Trigger-based emails are sent out automatically based on an important event that is triggered by your users and is related to your website conversion goals. For most businesses, the most common form of these “low-volume, high ROI” triggered emails consist of onboarding or welcome emails (sent when a new user creates a new account) and order or purchase confirmation emails (sent whenever an order is placed).

Triggered emails are very valuable as they are both contextual, timely, and relevant, providing the user with actual value and usefulness of the product. According to Forrester Research, triggered emails are capable of generating 4x more revenue and 18x greater profit than regular emails. In Addition to that, trigger-based emails have been found to contribute over 30% of overall email marketing revenue.

Triggered emails are of two types:

  • Event-triggered ones are based on some actions of the users. For example, an order confirmation email after the user purchases the product.
  • Segment triggers are emails sent when the customer meets some specific conditions. For example, when a customer is identified as one who has a high likelihood to purchase, email is sent with some recommended products.