Email Marketing

Email marketing is the use of email as a channel of communication to promote your business. Marketing with emails helps you build relationships with your potential customers, keep existing customers updated on your brand, and offer coupons and discounts to encourage customer loyalty. 

Based on Smart Insight’s 2018 report, email marketing is still ranked as the most effective marketing channels compared to social media, SEO, and affiliate marketing.

You can leverage email as a channel in your mobile marketing mix to uplift more conversions at every step of the customer lifecycle. By using targeted emails, you can welcome and onboard new users, advertise offers and promotions, and announce new product launches.

For example, you can use email to nudge a new user to make their first conversion by sending them a first-time discount offer. 

The reasons why email marketing is the most effective strategy:

  1. Email is an open platform
  2. Email isn’t new and has a larger reach 
  3. Has a high deliverability rate compared to most channels
  4. It’s the most preferred channel of communication 
  5. It drives higher conversions
  6. It’s a higher ROI generating channel
  7. Email is here to stay for a longer period of time

Email marketing has evolved from a time where you needed a developer to build an email to today, where tools like Insider empower the marketers like you to create and send personalized and branded emails with ease. Building your email subscriber list, unlike building a social media following, is a viable long-term investment that will pay off for many years to come.