Email Deliverability

The ability to deliver emails to your subscribers’ inboxes determines email deliverability. Email reputation and deliverability are determined by ISPs which are more likely to deliver emails to their clients if they trust the sending IP and domain, based on previous engagement with quality emails. 

Effective delivery of the emails you send is directly related to your IP address and domain reputation. If they score well (usually the result of consistent sending and no spam reports), ISPs will trust your reputation and place your email in the recipient’s inbox, rather than sending it to the spam or junk folder. 

How your subscribers engage with your email campaigns also affect email deliverability. Determining factors include:

  • Are they opening your emails and clicking your links? If they are engaging with your emails, your reputation and deliverability improve as a result. 
  • If they aren’t engaging with your emails and deleting them, marking them as spam, or unsubscribing from your mailing list, it will harm your reputation and affect your deliverability. 

Spam reports can cause serious damage to your reputation. Hence, keeping your email recipients’ lists clean is essential to ensure that they don’t mark your emails as spam. Likewise, ensuring your content is valuable and relatable is important.

There are tools you can use to help improve your reputation, but it’s essential to think long-term. Double opt-ins can ensure subscribers are real users who want to receive your content and will be less likely to mark your email as spam. This way, you start building a quality list of email recipients. 

Building or improving a reputation can be achieved through IP warming (where you start sending emails to a small and engaged group and gradually grow your numbers). This way, you stand a better chance of ensuring high open and click rates. Regularly removing disengaged email addresses can help ensure that your list is only made up of interested users and helps you avoid the accidental spam traps that might be developed from old email addresses. Taking these steps and monitoring your sender score should keep your deliverability healthy.