A/B Testing

A/B testing is the process of comparing two or more variants of a web page, a message, or any element to determine which variant performs better against a given conversion goal. The base or existing version is called “Control” and the variants are called “Variations”. Users in the test are allotted randomly to either “control” or “variation” and their performance is measured against a common goal. 

In any industry, gut feelings and guesswork can only get you limited results. You will need data-backed A/B tests to understand your entire audience and interpret how they respond to your messages. A/B testing helps you determine what title, content, image, video, etc works best for your audience, and provides you with the data to boost your conversion rates. 

For example:If you have to A/B 

test your web push notifications, you would have to create two different variants of web push notifications with different titles, descriptions, images, and CTAs. It is not necessary to alternate all the elements at the same time, you can A/B test any single element as well. 

Benefits of A/B testing:

  1. Optimize campaigns 
  2. Reduce bounce rates
  3. Improve customer engagement
  4. Increase conversion rates
  5. Improve ROI

The Best Elements to A/B Test:

  1. Campaign titles: A/B testing push notification titles, email subject lines, website titles, etc. will help in understanding what messaging your audience connects with.
  2. Creatives: A/B testing the images and videos will help you figure out which image or video your audience responds to. 
  3. CTAs: A/B testing your CTAs helps you understand which CTA entices users to click and improves conversion rates.
  4. Position of sticky bars, banners, in-app messages, and more.