Fév 27, 2023
You might have less to spend on marketing technology (martech) this year, or you might be one of the lucky few with a higher martech budget. Either way, once you’ve invested in a new solution, you want it to be as easy as possible to set up and use. Fast, hassle-free implementation is the crucial first step to achieving rapid time to value (TTV).
This blog briefly summarizes why so many martech implementations fall short, and demonstrates how Insider’s expertise and strategic approach can streamline the process—and remove the headache.
Martech complexity is a huge challenge
Where most martech implementations fall short
How Insider’s expert approach to implementation solves these challenges
Implementation takes time, but it can be done without the headache
Lorsqu’il s’agit d’investir dans les technologies marketing, le défi n’est pas seulement le coût, mais aussi la complexité. Prenons l’exemple du commerce de détail : Bien que 66 % des marques de retail aient augmenté leurs dépenses en marketing digital en 2022, 1 spécialiste du marketing retail sur 5 a déclaré que sa technologie marketing ne répondait pas à ses besoins. Parallèlement, plus de 60 % des spécialistes du marketing ont déclaré que leur pile martech était trop complexe.
Une mise en œuvre et une intégration rapides sont essentielles pour optimiser le retour sur investissement et le coût total d’un nouvel outil ou d’une nouvelle plateforme technologique. Les marques ne peuvent pas se permettre une intégration qui prend des semaines, et encore moins des mois.
“Habituellement, l’intégration prend des mois. Avec Insider, cela a pris moins de deux semaines.”
— Robson Privado, Co-Fondateur et COO de MadeiraMadeira.
For Robson Privado, Co-Fondateur et COO de MadeiraMadeira, une implémentation rapide ne consiste pas seulement à faire en sorte que les équipes concernées soient opérationnelles sur la plateforme le plus tôt possible – il s’agit aussi de réduire le coût réel du processus de déploiement.
L’intégration s’appuie généralement sur des équipes techniques et des équipes de produits. « Ce sont des équipes très coûteuses », explique M. Robson. « Lorsque l’intégration est facile, elle est beaucoup plus efficace et le ROI est meilleur.
Avec des ressources de plus en plus limitées, les marques ne peuvent plus se permettre de continuer à dépenser de l’argent et du temps pour de nouveaux outils de marketing. A moins qu’elles ne sachent que la solution peut fournir un ROI rapide et que sa mise en œuvre ne prendra pas des mois. Plus le processus d’intégration est simple, moins il y a de perte de temps et de ressources. Et c’est une grande victoire pour tout le monde.
Malheureusement, le chemin de l’implémentation n’est pas toujours facile. Plongeons-nous dans les frustrations les plus courantes auxquelles les marques sont confrontées lors de la mise en œuvre de nouveaux systèmes et outils :
Il y a beaucoup de choses qui pourraient mal tourner – ou qui tournent mal – pendant l’implémentation Mais il s’agit souvent de la première expérience du client avec votre marque, il est donc essentiel de bien démarrer les choses. Et comme le dit Paul Philip, fondateur et PDG d’Amity : « Il est difficile de se remettre d’une mauvaise expérience d’intégration. »
Chez Insider, nous nous efforçons de rendre l’implémentation aussi simple que possible pour nos clients. C’est une philosophie que nous appelons en interne notre philosophie Zero Frustration. Et c’est cette philosophie que bon nombre de nos partenaires apprécient le plus.
“Our favorite thing about Insider is the ease of use and integration of their tools. At first, we were hesitant about getting these tools because we did not want to spend a lot of time trying to understand the product and implement them to our existing app. However, the implementation process was very easy and the team supported us at every step.”
— Product Manager and Insider partner; read the full review.
“Very fast product with efficient results. We were surprised by how fast and easy the integration process was. Insider’s team was helpful throughout the process and left no question mark in our minds concerning their tools.”
— Digital marketer at a BFSI brand and Insider partner, read the full review.
All good marketers know that the more you understand your customers, the more you can personalize the customer experience. The same is true when we work with our clients.
We work with each client on their most critical short- and long-term business outcomes, starting with our onboarding kick-off meeting and continuing throughout the implementation process. This way, we’re always focused on delivering value as quickly as possible while looking at how our platform can support your long-term strategy, too.
“Great team, efficient processes, instant difference! The team at Insider are great to work with to workshop and build ideas that best suit your business needs. They take the time to understand our brand and really get to know our data to best support decision-making. The process from ideation to implementation is the quickest I have ever experienced with a tech partner, and the service and attention we receive from our CSM is extremely helpful and reliable.”
— Head of Digital at a retail brand and Insider partner, read the full review.
”The best advantage of their service is responsive technical support and quick implementation.”
— Analysis and Operation Chief at a retail brand and Insider partner, read the full review.
No two customers are the same, so neither are any two implementation processes.
Once we’ve agreed on your business-critical outcomes, our technical team builds a fully personalized integration plan which prioritizes your specific needs rather than following a set pattern. There’s no ‘one size fits all’ approach with us. That way, the tools you need most urgently will be the ones you get access to first.
“They go the extra mile to ensure success, and this sets Insider apart from other vendors we have worked with.”
— eCommerce manager at a global retail brand and Insider partner, read the full review.
To kick off implementation, your IT team receives a step-by-step integration plan from our technical team, who will continue to work alongside your team one-to-one. This ensures a smooth and stress-free process that is always aligned with your business goals.
As part of your step-by-step integration plan, we provide a clear timeline and roadmap so you can let everyone know what to expect and when. We know how important it is to get your new tool up and running as quickly as possible, so we prioritize hitting your key implementation milestones above all else.
When Insider commits to a timeline, they stick to it and we have achieved the fastest ROI with Insider.”
—Digital marketing manager at retail brand and Insider partner, read the full review.
One of our best secret weapons at Insider is our incredible Partner Experience Team, who are always on hand to provide guidance and support during (and after!) implementation.
Not sure if the feature you want is ready to use? We’ll let you know. Need a little training on the best practices for WhatsApp marketing? Our team can provide it. Problems with service disruptions? Or need some tips on how to get the best out of the platform? We got it.
Whatever your questions, our team is here to help. This is especially useful during the implementation and onboarding itself, when all kinds of questions and issues can arise.
The [partner] team was very supportive and helped us navigate every scenario with the right strategy during implementation.”
— Growth Marketing Specialist at a retail brand and Insider partner read the full review.
“We love the ability to discuss new features and ideas we’ve seen across other sites on different platforms, and within a week or two, we are experimenting and testing that experience on our site.”
— Head of Digital at a retail brand and Insider partner, read the full review.
Because fast integration with your existing tools is key to ensuring a rapid TTV, we offer many out-of-the-box integrations to get you up and running in no time at all.
Our ultra-flexible architecture and open API can sync with CMS, eCommerce systems, advanced analytics solutions, marketing automation platforms, and more without friction, including:
Each third-party integration comes with clear and simple guidelines, but if you have any problems you can reach out to our Partner Experience Team. We’re here to make the process as smooth as possible for you.
Why not explore all of our integrations?
There’s little point in unifying your data if you can’t glean actionable insights from it. Insider’s clean, intuitive and easy to use interface makes it easy for you to analyze customer behavior and uncover areas of opportunity.
For example, our executive summary dashboard helps you understand the total business impact of all your Insider-powered campaigns across channels in one single, clean view. You can use this dashboard to get high-level metrics on incremental revenue, uplift in conversion rates, and observe the health of your channels individually.
Built on a unified data layer, Insider’s platform has been expertly developed to balance ease of use and flexibility for marketers of all scales and maturities.
“It brings together everything you need under one roof in an easy-to-use interface.”
— Product Development and Digital Marketing Specialist, read the full review.
“Insider is one of the most feature-rich marketing tools that we have used. They offer a user-friendly interface that is also technologically advanced, helping us make our dream campaigns come true.”
— Digital Marketing and Search Engine Optimization Specialist, read the full review.
Insider’s expert implementation process stands out in the market for several reasons. From our one-to-one technical support and step-by-step implementation guidelines for your tech and IT team, to our (obsessively!) close alignment with your business goals, we’ve worked hard to ensure our implementation is as stress-free as possible.
Our years of experience and proactive support are both key to ensuring a rapid time to value, and explain why over 1,200 leading brands have chosen to come aboard with us. Are you ready to join them?
Why not take an interactive tour of Insider and get a feel for how we can help you.
Written by
Chris Baldwin
Chris is an award-winning marketing leader with more than 12 years experience in the marketing and customer experience space. As VP of Marketing, Brand and Communications, Chris is responsible for Insider's brand strategy, and overseeing the global marketing team. Fun fact: Chris recently attended a clay-making workshop to make his own coffee cup…let's just say that he shouldn't give up the day job just yet.