Bounce Rate

Often used in web traffic analysis, the bounce rate is the total percentage of single visits to a webpage at any given time. The bounce rate occurs when a user lands on a particular web page from a source and immediately leaves the website without navigating to other web pages. 

Bounce Rate of a Webpage = Total Number of Bounces on a Webpage/Total Number of Entrances on the Same Webpage

Bounce Rate of a Website = Total Number of Bounces on All Webpages/Total Number of Entrances on All the Webpages

Bounces are the number of single visits to a particular webpage/website and Entrances are the number of times a visitor has entered the webpage/website.

Here’s a rough compilation by HubSpot on the benchmark of bounce rates by the industry that shows the average bounce rates across different types of sites:

40% – 60% content websites 

30% – 50% lead generation websites 

70% – 90% blog posts 

20% – 40% retail / eCommerce websites 

10% – 30% service websites 

70% – 90% landing pages

Instances when bounce rates are helpful:

  1. When they’re used as a diagnostic reference for conversion funnel
  2. When they’re compared over time to see if internal changes or external forces shifted behavior
  3. When they’re benchmarked versus relevant industry competitors

Instances when bounce rates aren’t helpful:

  1. When they’re used instead of conversion actions to represent « success »
  2. When they’re compared against non-relevant « competitors » and other sites
  3. When they’re not considered over time or with traffic sources factored in